Company Policy


All Orders will be processed within 3-10 business days and shipped out within 3-5 business days.
If there are any issues with your package such as delivery issues you will have to contact the shipping carrier for any questions about your package. 


Return policy/Store credit 

Refunds will not be eligible for the particular product. Our hair is checked very thoroughly prior
to being shipped off to you so we can ensure customer satisfaction so therefore it should not be
damaged hair shipped to you. If you are unhappy with what has been shipped out to you, make
sure you take pictures before installing the hair so I can thoroughly examine the hair also make
sure you contact me through the company email at with proof
of pictures and your concerns and if applicable we can set you up with a store store credit. Store
credit does not apply to shipping fees and taxes.


Store credit qualifications 

1. Hair must remain wrapped in the bundle the hair cannot be taken out of the bundle .
2. Must have pictures and proof of damage hair.
3. Must send the hair back in the same packaging it came in. Also with the shipping label that
will be sent out to you.
4. Must show proof of invoice such as a cope or original invoice
5. Allow up to 48-72 for the hair to be inspected.
6. Once I have received the hair back you will get a copy of your Order and you will also receive
your information for the store credit such as your code you will input in the system when it’s time
for you to check out
7. The product will be shipped back to me using whichever carrier you feel comfortable with using.